*NOTE: for privacy reasons, my friends' names will be replaced with club penguin NPCs, font names and other random things.

February is almost over, it was so fun!! lots of hangouts w friends. Many days spent in the pool. We had a bbq (bbq?? that feels so wrong to say. we're argentinian we had a freaking ASADO!!!) that was awesome. I went clubbing w my girlfriends, then to an event in the city and to a bday party in the span of >24 hours, which almost killed me º_o I felt like I was on a drug bender despite not taking any drugs. That nightclub was sooo far away and it wasn't even that great tbh i've seen better, but the pregame was so much fun. we downloaded one of those corny drinking game apps and played never have I ever and found out some VERY interesting things about my friend's sister lmfao. and my outfit was just ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡.. And then I went to my friend T's bday party!!!!! I just love love love hanging out with these guys. T is so fun to be around and he has a sick ass neocities page you should check out!!! and his mom makes the best food. If you're reading this bro tell your mom I love her and her food.

I also went to a super tiny emo con. I wasn't expecting it to be a con tho, I thought it was gonna be a much smaller thing so I was surprised with how many people were there!! I went by myself. ppl are weird about going places alone. it's not!! you shouldn't miss out on things bc you feel like you have no one to go with. just go and have fun, you can even make friends there if you really feel like it!! anyways the con was cool, everyone looked awesome and I got some nice trinkets including an MCR t-shirt that i'd been wanting since forever yay!! here are some of my highlights from that day:

  • the girl selling YSY A pins. YOU are the true contrarian amongst all these clones wearing the same fall out boy shirt.
  • someone on stage belting out insane screams who I assumed to be a grown man but then I turned around to look at them and it was actually a 5'2 teen girl.
  • the concerned guy who felt bad bc he had to push people to be able to move around the super crowded hallway but he didn't want to push anybody :(
  • the extemely out of place normal-looking blond boy dressed in his sunday finest who was clearly just there to support his alt friends but seemed to be having a hell of a time anyways.
  • girl who sang helena. you killed it. I tried recording u but my phone is so out of storage it doesn't even let me open the camera </3

MOVING ON.. my friend gary's aunt and uncle are crazy rich and he's housesitting for them while they're on vacation so ofc we invaded their house all month like a bunch of parasites. One time we were planning on having a pool day and it ended up raining, but we still jumped into the pool under the rain and I think it's one of those things I'll remember forever for some reason. We ate an insane amount of snacks and pizza and stared up at the stars and played just dance on their big ass movie-theater-looking tv.

On a sadder note, my friend Rookie is moving to another country :( so ofc we threw him a going away party. We went bowling which we'd never done before. It was a BLAST and I lowkey kinda ate? 3rd place out of 7 players isn't that bad in my book. Rookie was last place the whole game and in the very last round he scored TWO STRIKES and climbed up to 5th place. After the game we sat down to eat. I had decided to give Rookie something to remember us by, so I made him a card shaped like a rubiks cube bc he loves those. It was a cardboard cube that opened up like a little book and inside were drawings of my favorite pictures with him. We all got a little emotional looking at those drawings of so many happy memories T-T it was a nice farewell to a dear friend though