Character design references - HUUUGE visual library
Reference angle - head references in any angle you want
x6ud.github - same as above, but for animal heads!
Film grab - movie screencaps for studies
Line of action - figure drawing references + a timer
Coolors - color palette generator
Sketchfab - tons of 3D models for references - the holy grail of graphics
Confettiguts graphics hoard - blinkies, stamps, buttons & MORE
adrian's blinkie collection - more blinkies than you can count
animatedglittergraphics-n-more - tumblr blog w a TON of cool graphics
Maph's fix - tutorial on how to set up a widget for your site - more glittery graphics
Thư Viện's dollz collection - dollz galore
Things I've found that you can add to your website - fun widgets for ur site
Crvyons - thousands of stamps
Tunamault - a ton of tinypixels + other graphics
99gif shop - more graphics!!! - download all images off a website - lets you pick colors from images and get their hex codes
Anadius - the sims 4 + all DLCs for free ;)